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Product Availability: Our products are available through a limited number of partners. Please check with your club or network to see if you have access to these products.
Important Notes
  • Accord's Standard Variable Rate was reduced to 5.79% from 5.99% on 30 November 2014.
  • Minimum Loan - all lending
    * For lending above 75% LTV the following applies:
    • Minimum loan size is £75,000
    • More than one product can be taken to make up the loan provided that the total loan size is at least £75,000
    • The product minimum loan size must be met -see the individual product for details.
    For lending up to 75% LTV the product minimum loan applies.
  • Capital & Interest: All products are available on a Capital & Interest basis only.
  • The Mortgage Application Processing Fee is £130. It's payable as part of the full mortgage application process and is non-refundable.
    • The full mortgage application should not be started unless you receive an 'Accept' Lending Decision. Please await the outcome of referrals as the Mortgage Application Processing Fee is not refunded in the event of a decline.
    • Processing of your application will not commence until the Mortgage Application Processing Fee is paid.
    • Product Withdrawal: we aim to give prior notice of withdrawal, but products may be withdrawn without notice. No further applications are accepted after withdrawal.
    • Important information about Mortgage Application Processing Fee when product withdrawal is announced.
    • Product fee: payable on completion, can be added to the loan.
    • Product switching fee: Once the application has been submitted, products can be changed prior to completion on payment of a product switching fee. This fee covers part of the costs incurred when the product applied for is reserved. The fee is £90 and is payable at the point of switching from one product to another. The switching fee is payable each time the product is changed before completion.
  • Valuation Fee: is payable on application unless stated otherwise. Where the valuation fee has been paid, we will instruct the valuation as soon as we begin to process your application - unless you advise us otherwise.
  • Free Standard Valuation: Accord will pay for the valuation up to a maximum of £695. (This excludes second or subsequent valuations. For homebuyers surveys, structural surveys or specialists reports, we will pay the cost of a standard mortgage valuation up to £695 and ask the applicant to pay the difference for the survey / report selected.)
  • Cashback: on selected products Accord will pay the cashback on completion via your client's solicitor.
  • Early Repayment Charges (ERCs) and overpayments: unless otherwise stated, all products allow 10% overpayments per year without ERC. ERCs apply on redemption or transfer (part or full) to another product during the ERC period.
  • Offset products: unlimited overpayments, savings offset against mortgage balance. Full loan must be taken on Offset products.
  • Portability Top-Up: All House Purchase products are available for Portability Top-Up subject to: a minimum loan of £3,000. Top-ups below £50,000 can only be taken on products without incentives. Where applicable product fees are payable regardless of loan size.
  • Part and Part mortgages: the loan can be taken on two or more products. NB. Offset and non-offset products cannot be mixed.

Information on this site is for use by authorised intermediaries only and should not be relied upon by anyone else.

Applications subject to standard lending criteria and all loans subject to status. Accord Mortgages Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We are entered in the Financial Services Register and our registration number is 305936.
Accord Mortgages Limited is registered in England No: 2139881 Registered Office: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford BD5 8LJ. Accord Mortgages is a registered Trade Mark of Accord Mortgages Limited.